Contact details :

Address : PO BOX 7799 
Phone : +61 (0)2 8005 7888
Mobile : 040 235 4334
E-mail :

History : CD-ROM and Multimedia Technologies Pty Ltd (CDMT) has been established for the last eleven years and has produced many multimedia CD-ROM titles such as Australia Through Time, Macquarie Dictionary, Kidsmart and Sale of the Century. There has also been numerous database titles such as the archiving of exam papers for Macquarie University, NSW TAFE, and technical manuals for Danka Tower. 

Current Technology Focus : The areas where CDMT specialises in can be split into eight main areas, with three themes ?Database, Imaging and Multimedia. Feel free to call and see demonstrations of previously made projects from any of these listed areas.

Skill Set :

  • Application programming

  • Alchemy & Cumulus customisation

  • Database programming

  • Alchemy & Cumulus training/support

  • Imaging (e.g. OCR, Barcode recognition)

  • Multimedia

  • Internet Development

  • General odds & ends

Application programming : Anything to do with the development of custom stand alone programs fits into this category. The majority of work done for CDMT resides here, and could include programming to give more extensive functionality to your existing programs, or a completely custom built program ?be it for Imaging, Database or Multimedia. 

Alchemy & Cumulus customisation : A way of managing unstructured data is by using a product named Alchemy, developed by IMR. Likewise, one of the best media asset management tools around is Cumulus developed by Canto. However the out-of-the-box solution may not always meet a certain company’s needs, therefore customisation is required.

Database programming : Particularly focusing on small databases that can be managed by MS Access. Any program development that ties into an MS Access backend can easily be done. Soon this will include development for mid-large databases using MS SQL Server.

Alchemy & Cumulus training/support : CDMT contracts out Alchemy and Cumulus installation, integration and support to a number of clients.

Imaging : This is the new area that CDMT has entered into. With the purchase of the latest version of the LeadTools Imaging Tool Library CDMT can develop custom made programs catering for scanning (Twain/ISIS), graphic manipulation, OCR, and barcode recognition. This can include adding Twain scanning and barcode recognition to Alchemy.

Multimedia : Focuses on multimedia development using Macromedia’s Director so as to make your presentation interactive. 

Internet Development : From designing and website and all the way to its fulfillment. Technologies include HTML, ASP, CGI, Perl, Flash and Java. Whether you want a simple static website, or a dynamic one tying into a database ?we’ve got the tools.

General odds & ends : These are little programs that can be made to make your life easier by automating simple, but time consuming tasks.

About the Director : Alan Sperring has been programming now for 12 years and specialises in the languages C/C++, Visual Basic, Java, HTML, ASP, CGI and Perl. He started working for CDMT in 1996, and now manages the company.

Rates : Quotes for jobs are determined by estimating the time taken to complete a job. Please call for CDMT's competitive rate.